Importing Subscribers into Aimtell

Follow these 3 steps to import your subscribers from another push provider into Aimtell.

If you are switching from a previous push subscriber, you can easily import your existing subscribers into Aimtell.

This is the information that we need in order to import your subscribers:

  1. VAPID Keys for your subscribers and your site
  2. Subscriber list file along with their attached VAPID keys for each individual SubID.
  3. Old service worker URL Path in order to update to our Aimtell Service Worker

Before getting started: Be sure to first install Aimtell at your website. Read our installation guides for more help with this part of the process. Once installed, you can proceed with importing your subscribers.

Follow these steps to successfully import your subscribers:

Step 1: Gather Your VAPID Keys

Work with your previous push provider to obtain your public and private VAPID keys for your subscribers and your site. They should provide this information as an export.

Step 2: Generate Your Subscriber List File

Next, export your full list of subscribers and make sure their VAPID keys are there as well. This info should automatically be present in a subscriber export. Provide us with this .csv file. We will then import the subscribers for you into the system.

Note: Once you have this file and your VAPID keys, contact Aimtell support or reach out to your sales rep. They will make sure that they have everything they need and can begin to process the import for you.

Step 3: Update your Old Service Worker

In this step, you need to update your old service worker with our Aimtell service worker. Start off by locating the existing URL path in your directory, for example, You will need to add Aimtell’s worker to your site,, and replace the content from your old service worker with Aimtell’s worker in the existing URL path. This will result in two URL paths (the existing path and the new Aimtell path) having our Aimtell Service Worker.

Note: If you work with a developer they should be able to handle this in just a few minutes. If you do not have access to a developer, please reach out to our team if you need help so that this is handled correctly.

If done correctly, when going to the URL of the Existing Service Worker (, you should see a screen similar to this:


Caution: Service Worker paths will vary from provider to provider. You need to confirm your old SW's URL Path.

And when going to the URL of the new Aimtell Service Worker (, you should see a screen similar to this:


Once a Service Worker has been updated - you'll need to wait 24 hours for it to automatically update for your subscribers and you'll be able to send Push Notifications to your Imported Subscribers through the Aimtell Dashboard and Worker.

Shopify Websites

If you are a Shopify website looking to import your subscribers, please contact or your sales rep for help with your import and to see what options are available for you.