Test Notifications Aren’t Sending

If you are unable to send a test push, follow these troubleshooting steps to fix the problem:

  1. Check and make sure that you are subscribed to your site. Head to the ‘All Subscribers’ section of the dashboard and see if your Subscriber ID is listed at the top of the page in the green box. If not, head to your website and opt-in to your notifications. After opting in, refresh the ‘All Subscribers’ page and see if your Subscriber ID is there. If so, you should now be able to successfully send a test push notification.
  2. Try sending a one-time test push. Head to ‘All Subscribers’ and click on your Subscriber ID at the top of the page. Select the bell icon at the right side of the screen and then try to send a test push from here.
  3. Opt-in and test from a different browser. Open a different browser from the one you are using and opt-in to your website in that browser. Then, head to your dashboard in the same browser and attempt to send a test push.
  4. Check your status. If you do appear to be a subscriber at your website, check your status. Click on your Subscriber ID from the ‘All Subscribers’ section of the dashboard and then select the ‘Notifications’ tab. If the status is anything other than ‘Active’ go ahead and clear your site settings for your site only and then try and re-subscribe. After opting in wait about 5 minutes and then try again to send a test push.
  5. Reach out to support. If none of the above solutions work please reach out to our support team along with your Subscriber ID so that we can help you sort this out.

You also have the ability to send a local test push, but keep in mind that this will send from our dashboard meaning that the URL will not display your website and any action buttons you may be using will not display as well. Rest assured that when your actual push notification is sent it will display your URL and display any action buttons.