How to set up and send a browse abandon notification with automation for Shopify users
Enable Shopify browse abandoned tracking by checking the box for it in the “Automated Shopify Tracking” section of website settings under the “Misc Settings” tab.
Specify the number minutes the page should be idle before triggering the abandoned browse event. The default is 10 minutes.
- Create a triggered campaign with the following settings for “Trigger”:
- “Event Category”: “Aimtell”
- “Event Action”: “Shopify-Page-Inactive"
- When a push subscriber visits the Shopify site and abandons a product page, an event is triggered with the following data (note that if there is no product image, it will be omitted):
"category": "Aimtell",
"category": "Aimtell",
"action": “Shopify-Page-Inactive”,
"label": <url of abandoned product page>,
"value": null,
"variables": {
"icon": <product image>,
"price": <price of first product variant>,
"url": <url of abandoned product page,
"title": <product title>
5. The event variables can be used in the contents of the push notification (fallback text is supported). The product icon will automatically be used if it is available.
6. The subscriber will receive a triggered notification when they abandon a product page.
That's it! You have now set up automated triggered notifications to go out for a Browse Abandon event! Contact if you have any questions!