Character Limits for Push Notifications

Character limits for push notifications on all push supported browsers and operating systems.

Because of the design of browser push notifications, the text that is entered in the title and body sections can get cut off if there are too many characters. Every browser on every device has a different limit on the number of characters that they display so it is best to keep your notifications short and sweet.

While the dashboard will automatically notify you when you cross the limits of most browsers, some people like to have a more specific breakdown of how many characters are supported. As such, we've compiled a handy breakdown of the character limits of each platform and device below.


Character Limits

Note: These character limits may vary based on spacing. You can always send yourself a test notification to see what a campaign will actually look like. Read our sending test push notifications documentation for more information.


OS X - Mac (Catalina and Older)    
Browser Title Body
Chrome 22 24
Safari 22 24
Firefox 33 36
Opera 31 36


OS 11 - Mac

(Big Sur and Newer)

Browser Title Body
Chrome 22 85
Safari 22 106
Firefox 33 85
Opera 31 85


PC- Windows        
Browser Title w/Big Image Title w/o Big Image Body w/ Big Image Body w/o Big Image


25 35 36 97
Firefox - 35 - 97
Opera 25 35 36 96
Edge 25 35 36 96


Browser Title w/Big Image Title w/o Big Image Body w/ Big Image Body w/o Big Image


21 35 33 43
Firefox 21 24 33 36
Opera 21 35 33 36
Edge 21 35 33 43
Samsung Internet 21 35 33 36