What languages does Aimtell support?

Push Notifications can be any language you'd like. Using Aimtell - you can build them out and target with ease.

Opt-In Prompts

Using Aimtell, we track automatically track the Browser Language Code for you. This means that the Native Opt-In Prompt shown to your potential Subscribers will be congruent with their Browser.

We also have support for multilingual custom opt-in prompts to show on particular URL paths or domains. This means that even if you choose to have a custom opt-in prompt, you can use them for multilingual sites.

Push Notifications

Because our Push Notification Content builder is completely customizable, you can choose whatever language you'd like to build out a push. Using this in conjunction with our segmentation, you can target specific languages with specific pushes.

Building out a segment to target individual languages is also very easy. We track the Browser Language Code for you, and so you'd simply target Subscribers who had particular codes. Learn how to create a segment here!


Currently - Aimtell's Dashboard is natively English.